Monday, July 26, 2010

Popular Plates - BBQ Issue

If you don't already know Jane & Michael Stern's work from their tremendous website, then you'll want to get to know them through their recently published magazine "Popular Plates". As far as I can tell, they've released one issue so far, and the inaugural subject is near and dear to's BBQ! And we're not talking grilling, but honest to God smoked meats. As the authors describe it, "This is a magazine for people who love barbecue. In other words, for just about everyone who likes to eat. If barbecue is not your dish, you have our condolences."
You can order it here for $9.95 an issue or $39.95 for a full year of the quarterly mag (not sure why it's 15 cents more expensive to buy the subscription). There's no advertising, so it ain't cheap, but it looks to be packed full of great BBQ info, and there are two full length stories about Texas BBQ alone. Texas is sure to make appearances in the rest of the 'best of' articles. You can check out some of the previews here, but they really just amount to giant teasers. I'll know soon what's contained in these pages, because I've already ordered mine. I'll let y'all know more details when I receive it.

- BBQ Snob

1 comment:

  1. Just noticed that it's advertised at $9.95, but they charge you $9.99, so the subscription price makes sense. I guess I won't quibble over four cents.
