Saturday, June 18, 2011

Que: Eau de Barbeque

I spend plenty of time around barbecue pits belching hardwood smoke, so my clothes often have the aroma of barbecue. For those days when I need to feel like a legitimate BBQ Snob without a trip to the BBQ joint I can now use 'Que' from Pork Barrel BBQ. If that's not convincing, you can check out their advertisement.

The aroma is a mix of the smokey notes of bourbon with a hint of vanilla and sandalwood, but one thing it does not smell like is my shirt after a day of BBQ'ing and pit tours. I guess I'll have to keep touring the Lone Star State for that authentic smoked meat aroma, but Que will do in a pinch.

- BBQ Snob

1 comment:

  1. I know I would love it; but somehow I don't think my SO will go for it.
