Saturday, May 5, 2012

"Thou Shalt Not Steal" Also Applies to the Knights of Columbus

Commandment number eight: Thou shalt not steal. You'd think the Knights of Columbus would be familiar with this one. Alongside "Thou shalt not kill", commandments 6 and 8 are the most succinct of the holy commandments, but when the Knights of Columbus St. Jude Council #6269 designed their 'Carnivore Cookoff" T-Shirt logo, they didn't want to start from scratch, so they just stole mine. It's for a charity event that just wrapped up in Arlington, Texas today, but they forgot to ask for my donation. They just took it. I guess they thought adding a couple more animals and using Corel Draw to cover over some of the text (ironically including "GOSPEL") would do the trick to hide the source, but tell me folks, do they look much different to you?

The "New and Improved" Logo from K of C

My Logo

Big thanks to @PittmanKid for bringing the logo to my attention. The sad thing is that due to their thievery of a prominent Dallas-based blog's logo, an attendee at the Arlington event genuinely thought I had some involvement in the event, which I do not. Without any luck, I sought a comment from Anthony Fontanelli, the event chairperson.

To the Knights of Columbus: I know a great graphic designer. She designed my logo, and I paid her to do it. You could do the same. As for the Ten Commandments, they're hidden in Exodus, the second book of the Old Testament in a book called the Bible, or you can just "Google" it, which is probably where you found my logo.

 - BBQ Snob


  1. Whadda buncha lazy ass losers!!!

  2. I wish you would've told us you were having a cookoff in Arlington. That's not like you to under-publicize events you're attending. (Also, who won the barbecue deer portion?)

  3. Sad to see that kind of thing happen.

  4. ThemexcellentcookMay 5, 2012 at 8:34 PM

    It's not even a good replica of your logo. Good on you for calling them out!

  5. I'm sure they thought they were small-time enough that they'd never get caught. Kinda like Leslie Brenner.

  6. I don't know - that chicken on the right takes it to a whole 'nother plane.

    Pretty funny entry - the theft, not so much

  7. Yeah, that didn't take much creativity. It's almost identical...bad on the K of C...

    The Impulsive Texan

  8. The badly centered "Carnivore Cookoff" really brings the room together, though.
