Monday, February 21, 2011

Meat Soap

Update: If the Meat Soap project is to survive, we need some pledges. Please go to our Kickstarter page and pledge so you can receive some porcine bars of meat fat goodness. We have only two days to raise the remaining half of our goal before we can produce some of those sweet smelling bars. Help.

1/26/10: What is Meat Soap? We'll get into that in more detail below, but for now I want to beg a bit. A group of friends and I are involved in a side project only peripherally related to BBQ. We've been spending hours in the kitchen melting various fats to make natural soaps with an alluring natural scent (yeah, it smells like meat fat). Now that we know we can make this stuff, we need help raising money to complete the project. We've started a page on Kickstarter so you can make a pledge, and receive some meat soap (among other items) in return. If you like the project, and want to be a part of it, we'd love to get your financial assistance.

I received the first bar of Meat Soap (above) as a Christmas gift, and the idea to expand the product line was in the works about fifteen minutes later. The initial bar was made of bacon grease (and yes, that's a hunk of cooked bacon in there), but there are so many other fats we want to work with.

When you wash your hands with the soap, your hands actually smell like soap no matter how potent the smell from that bar of meat fat.

We cooked up a mess of meats, including the beef bacon above, and mixed it with a glycerin soap base. Six types of fat and several hours later, we had ourselves a product line.

Now we need to take it to the next level and create some molds and get a bunch more fat. I hope you can help.

If you want to keep up with our progress, then check out @meat_soap on twitter, or join our Facebook page.

- BBQ Snob


  1. As a kid, I used to help my grandmother make lye soap. It also involved a lot of bacon fat. Good luck with this project.

  2. What a waste of good bacon.
