Smokin' in Mesquite
Each episode follows six teams through the process of a barbecue competition. This episode was filmed in Mesquite, Nevada at the inaugural "Smokin' in Mesquite" competition from September 4th to the 6th. S.I.M. is a KCBS sanctioned competition, and my guess is that all of the episodes will also be KCBS events.
In this first episode we meet six pit masters. Of the Texans reatured, there's the naive and brash newcomer Paul Peterson (Pablo Diablo) from McKinney and the soft-spoken old-timer, Johnny Trigg (Smokin' Triggers) from Alvarado. Burleson's own Jamie Greer is featured on the website, but did not make an appearance on the show. Others featured are the loud-mouthed Myron Mixon (Jack's Old South), the nice guy Tuffy Stone (Cool Smoke), the Californian Harry Soo (Slap Yo Daddy), and the blonde Lee Ann Whippen (Wood Chick's BBQ).
In the end, Paul Peterson lets his fire go out overnight, and ends up finishing 47th out of 47 teams while Johnny Trigg finished third and Myron Mixon took home the top prize in the form of a giant check with his name spelled incorrectly). What is oddly left out of the show is that Jack's Old South had to forfeit that prize after being disqualified for having entered another competition in South Carolina on the same day which is frowned upon by the KCBS.
If you remember a few years back in 2006, the Versus Network aired the Barbecue Championship Series which pitted amateurs pit masters against seasoned veterans. Myron Mixon and Johnny Trigg were in the veteran's group, and Lee Ann Whippen was in the amateur group. Hopefully, this series last a bit longer than the short-lived BCS. Be sure to check out the next episode from Murphysboro, Illinois on December 10th.
- BBQ Snob
I like the show too, but I get tired of all the bleeped words. Can people talk without using vulgarities, or have some people just lost all manners?
I agree with you Mark...some I can understand but I think Myron takes it a bit far sometimes.
Here's my take on the Murphysboro episode:
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