A meat friend of mine is organizing a BBQ competition in Oak Cliff. You've got 11 more days to sign your team up, and see if you can be the champ of Oak Cliff 'cue, or you can crawl out of bed on Sunday and make your way over to chow down on someone else's hard work. Here are the details:
"So you’ve hopefully heard that Go Oak Cliff is organizing the First Annual Blues, Bandits & BBQ event the weekend of September 11 & 12. Obviously the BBQ will be a big part of the event, so we’ll try to provide you with some of the more important details here for your reading pleasure.
First off – you can participate in one of two ways: you can compete and make the BBQ, or you can come join the fun and EAT the BBQ! Here’s how it works…
COMPETITION: Do you make an amazing brisket? Are your ribs legendary in your neighborhood? Then you should enter the BBQ competition! The competition is open to the general public and we’re hoping to draw out some of the great backyard smokers around town. We’re hearing rumors that a few professionals may join in the fun as well. There are cash prizes involved for the winners of each category! All cooking will be done on-site (behind The Kessler at 7th & Clinton) starting the afternoon of Saturday, September 11. If you want all the details on the BBQ competition then click here to download a copy of the official BBQ Competition Rules.
EATING: Staying up all night to smoke a hunk of beef may not be your idea of a good time, but you can still come out and enjoy all this tasty grass fed, sustainably produced beef, pork and chicken. We’ll be selling wrist bands that will entitle you to taste the brisket, chicken, pork ribs and homemade sausage of each competitor! Information about pre-purchasing the wrist bands will be posted here in the coming weeks.
So get excited and spread the word. It’s going to be a great weekend of blues and BBQ in the Cliff!"
I'll be judging, so be sure to bring it!
- BBQ Snob
tough weekend, bit comp at bass pro that weekend.
We'll bring it ;-D
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